In today’s article, we’ll be taking a look at the elder things. The elder things were considered the first alien race to have inhabited. The earth colonizing the planet over a billion years ago bluff graph described them as being six foot tall incredibly strange creatures of an oval-shaped body and starfish like appendages at both ends they possess characteristics that you would expect from an animal but also plants and vegetation at the very bottom of their bodies we see a five limbed appendage which like many things in la crosse mythos resembles tentacles and we can assume that these were their primary way of movement though given their science it’s hard to imagine they moved particularly quickly at the very top of their body is another appendage where their numerous eyes and feeding tubes can be located and these certainly add to the plot like imagery that surrounds the other things they also have a set of retractable wings that can be used for general flight as well as drifting and sailing through the ether despite an appearance that doesn’t look like it represents a vast amount of intelligence the elder things did possess a five-lobed brain so they definitely were quite an advanced thinking species and we do briefly see this in la crosse novella in at the mountains of madness where he describes him as possessing highly advanced technology though due to how naturally resilient they were they found little use for most of it another interesting fact about the older things is that they reproduced through the distribution of spores and this in itself isn’t particularly strange in lava cross universe and you can potentially read this as Lovecraft think in these races had advanced past the need for intercourse or this may have something to do with the fact that Lovecraft himself was quite an awkward and sheltered person who most likely wasn’t too experienced and had little to no interest in things like sexual intercourse which is why so many of the beings that he writes about just sort of multiplied and reproduced through other means the ones that do happen to reproduce intercourse often do so of humans creating quite grotesque hybrids or even abominations in love cross eyes some of this may definitely come down to love crafts irrational fear of race mixin because of theories at the time they claimed the mixing of races caused mental illness by the late 19th and early 20th centuries were full of Bad’s – that made wild and outlandish claims with little.

Elder Things – Fictional Extraterrestrials in The Cthulhu Mythos
No scientific backing which ultimately led to many things been misdiagnosed the other things first made an appearance in love cross novella at the mountains of madness written in 1931 and later published in 1936 we learn a small amount about how they may have looked and it’s hinted that they possess some kind of energy based weaponry as well as been experts in genetic engineering playing a large role in our own existence the earliest ancestral forms of everything living on earth were in fact created by the older things though their reasons for developing these life forms have been heavily debated many argue that these life forms were created and bred for them to feed on as they were thought to be carnivorous in nature they’re also theories where humanity was created for its psychic potential that the older things would harvest in the near future the older things even created their own slave race known as the shoggoths who they brutally murdered when they attempted to rebel against their masters when the older things lost city in Antarctica was eventually discovered there were carvings that showed they possess an understanding of physics and cosmology equivalent to mankind in a 20th century these carvings are likely millions if not billions of years old to give you an idea of how advanced their other things were when compared to humanity so how exactly did the older thing survive all of those years on earth well as we mentioned earlier.
Their extremely robust exterior meant that they weren’t really affected by extreme heat and even the pressures at the depths of the ocean had no real effect making them extremely versatile enough that they could live anywhere in the earth that they pleased they were also capable of hibernating for extremely long periods of time and because of how tough they were there was no real threat from predators however been the first alien race on our planet meant that they went to war several times of the other species including the great race of year the MIGO and the star spawn of Cthulhu despite all of these different Wars and confrontations ironically enough the only enemy that could not defeat would be the Ice Age unable to deal with the steep drop in temperatures they fled to their undersea cities and began to hibernate and there they would remain defeated but not destroyed so lastly many of you may be wondering what the relationship was like between the elder things and the great old ones and honestly we don’t really know much except for the fact that they were enemies it’s hard to call either side good or bad but the fact that they were enemies shows us that even if we are incapable of understanding what these alien species wanted there’s a good chance they didn’t see eye to eye or even share the same plan for Humanity the older things were essentially an extremely tough race of aliens that helped shape the earth and all life on it but we don’t really know much about them and I guess that does fit the trope of the mysterious creator the maker that we never get to meet out of all the alien races mentioned by Lovecraft the older things are certainly amongst the most popular my parenting countless stories had followed.