5 Things To Remember When Suffering From Depression. Let us help you so that we can work together to help you feel better. You are an incredibly special person, incredibly cherished by your loved ones and our community, incredibly strong and brave to reach out. Your peace and happiness are your birthright and you are not alone, even if it feels that way. You are incredible, you are special, you are amazing. You truly are. If this humble article can help just one person – you, it will have succeeded greatly.
This ailment does not define you as a person. Sure, it can alter your moods but depression is not you and you are definitely not depression. You may have seen Prince Ea on social media. He has done videos on YouTube about a plethora of topics. In one of his latest videos, he talks about depression and, using an analogy of the sky, he says: “YOU are the sky. Depression, frustration, sadness, they are passing clouds. Some are black, some are white. Sometimes they pepper the sky, and sometimes they fill the sky but they always come and go.” Using the MBCT technique mentioned previously, Penman agrees: “The idea is that you come to realise that thoughts come and go of their own accord, and that your conscious self is distinct from your thoughts.” Be a warm, sunny day with no clouds!
We want to help you by pointing you in the right direction, and that is towards being proactive in your recovery by way of meditation. Science backs this up with, according to Danny Penman, PhD, of Psychology Today, “a longer lasting solution to the spiral of sadness”. The suggested course of action is using mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which “marries Eastern meditation with Western cognitive therapy”. Penman adds: “The MBCT technique is simple, and revolves around “mindfulness meditation“. In this, you sit with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing. Concentrating on the rhythm of the breath helps produce a feeling of detachment.” This is followed “by gentle question-and-answer sessions modeled on those in cognitive therapy”.
Lack of motivation causes procrastination in the nation. You feel like you are not able to do anything, but completing the smallest of tasks can set you up on the road to recovery. Even more so if it is something for which you have a passion. It all comes from within, so find it in you to be the real you. Also, keep your support system tight, whoever that may be. Even if they do not fully understand, they will still help you in any way they can. Keep everyone communicating so that they can help you in the correct manner.
Even if you feel at rock bottom now, whatever life throws at you, you survive. Your wounds should be seen as a way to remind yourself that you did survive, after all, you are still alive, right? The perfect medicine for you from the Power of Positivity clinic is listening to Stayin’ Alive by The Bee Gees. Dosage: whenever you are feeling down. “Whether you’re a brother or whether you’re a mother you’re stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive!”
Think about it (not too much, obviously); overthinking is normal in depression, yet it causes problems left, right and centre. “Not only does overthinking become a pattern with practice, but the thoughts tend to get darker over time. Negative thoughts about a specific experience can generalise or expand to colour other areas of our life, causing us to scrutinise still more troublesome memories—amplifying the negativity,” states Jacqueline Marshall of PsyWeb. She adds: “Overthinking often encompasses our relationships, body-image, family issues, career, and finances. It can also centre on recent events such as an argument with a co-worker or friend. The things we ruminate about may be real problems that beg for solutions, but overthinking has never solved anything.”
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