The great races members were immense rugose cones ten feet high and of head and other organs attach two-foot thick distend herbal limbs spread in from the apex ‘as they spoke by the clicking or scraping of huge paws or claws attached to the end of two of their four limbs and walked by the expansion and contraction of a viscous layer attached to their vast ten-foot bases there is no doubt that the world created by Howard Phillips Lovecraft is full of mysterious creatures and entities and there is just so many that we can discuss last week we discussed the underwater race known as the deep ones and this week it is the great race of year the quote. If you’re not an expert in alien races or the work of Lovecraft then there’s a good chance you read that like I did and thought Howard what the hell are you talking about this time so what exactly are the great race of year what to start we know that they’re an alien race that came from the planet Earth so no surprises there there isn’t much said about their original form or appearance but we do know that they had the extremely useful skill of being able to project their consciousness across time and space making them capable of swapping bodies of other species this process was used by the year as a way of gathering knowledge and experience in the life of other species while the host would experience the life of the year when this process was finished the memories of the hosts would be completely wiped but some would still experience these memories through vivid dreams and nightmares just so we don’t have to keep calling them the great race of year this entire video they will also refer to as the youth and the youth Ian’s so the youth Ian’s would eventually end up fleeing their home planet and end up swapping bodies with a primitive species living on earth they then continued to grow and acquire knowledge for millions of years until they felt confident enough to go to war with the other species living on our planet the fine polyps and the elder things they would eventually best the flying polyps by trapping them under the Earth’s surface however in their great hindsight the youth saw that the flying polyps would return one day and destroy them so they switch minds and bodies with a race of primitive beetles that were said to out lost humanity.

The Great Race of Yith – A Fictional Race of H.P. Lovecraft
The thien’s built their own city deep under the desert of Australia which would house their many manuscripts detail in a long history and all of the knowledge they acquired so to get the details we can look at love cross story the shadow out of time which was published in June 1936 and tells a story of the great race of year here the earth Ian’s are described as originally being a peaceful species whose purpose was to study the history of the universe at various times and places they were essentially creating this library city full of the past and future history of dozens of different species it’s never really explained in any detail as to why they fled their home planet but it is hinted that they were the beings of a die-in elder world they would then arrive on earth and take the body of a weird cone-shaped species which had four strange appendages capable of extending and retracting large distances two of these appendages had claws attached which were used as a way of communicating through an elaborate series of clicking which does raise an interesting question as to whether this form of clicking was used as a way to communicate with each other or other species because they clearly have telepathic powers but maybe they don’t stretch as far as being able to communicate with their own species in this way the third appendage was a yellow globe three eyes and flower-like ears which we can assume might have acted as some kind of head the last appendages described as being four red trumpets and I’m not exactly sure what they meant to be the ether described as having no sexes and they were said to reproduce through the distribution of spores but because of the species longevity reproduction didn’t occur as often as other species the shadow out of time is told from the perspective of Nathaniel Wingate peasley who was possessed by a thean because of the link between the two Nathaniel share some of the knowledge collected by the earthy ins and starts to see other worlds and experiences what it’s like to be an alien species when he returns to his own body those around him believe him to be insane and Nathaniel is inclined to agree believing that the dreams he’s experienced in our sign of mental illness the dreams become more and more vivid over time and often doing some research.
Nathaniel finds out there are others just like him report in similar cases these dreams soon become an obsession as he searches for the ancient manuscripts that would help prove that he is an insane eventually he discovers the earth Ian’s died out a long time ago destroyed by a rival alien race described as half Polybus creatures the Athene’s would eventually return of new bodies but only long after humanity had ceased to exist now faced with the proof and answers that he desired Nathaniel was no better off than he was before he may have found evidence of the Earth’s existence but with that comes a realization that the species that destroyed them still inhabits our planet the story is interesting because it covers mental illness at a time where you could be classified as insane for the tiniest of things never mind talking about the existence of numerous alien species the also several topics and questions raised by this story such as what came before us and what will exist once were gone I know for me personally seen how weird the earth Ian’s look in this earthly adapted form my biggest question would probably be what the hell did they look like before I do really like the concepts of this library and alien race that collects information on other species because it creates this interesting dynamic of what would happen if this information fell into the wrong hands and this notion of various cults searching for these manuscripts and the Earth’s ancient city is something that I’ve seen many people discussing.