So here’s a scenario you’re pretty awkward definitely not the best of the ladies but that’s not for the lack of trying just when you think your luck is never gonna change you notice your new neighbor who also happens to be the most attractive girl that you’ve ever seen so you then do something completely out of character you introduce yourself and offer to show her around the neighborhood and somehow things go really and really well she even invites you over to her place later that evening you begin to wonder whether your terrible luck with the ladies is finally changing is this the one sadly the answer is no no your luck is definitely not changing and no she’s definitely not the one she turns out to be another manny to inspire a woman and you just happened to be her next meal for those who still haven’t guessed from the intro or even read the title today’s video is indeed on the jaw Goomer the man-eating spiders of Japanese folklore so if you do have a fear of spiders then I guess I’ll be seeing you in the next video the jaraguá more another Japanese yokai that take the form of a spider but they have been known to change your appearance to a more seductive woman when it’s time to feed a diet that consists mostly of young men.
The name Dragoon mo translates to mean entangling bride which of course refers to the way they entangle their prey in their web but its name originally was thought to mean a whore spider so take from that what you will in Japan spiders are thought to possess supernatural powers but only certain species the golden orb weaver was believed to be the most common form for the duralumin the size of these spiders varies to quite a ridiculous extent being anywhere from a few centimeters long to large enough to kill a grown man the old Weaver’s were particularly known for their vibrant colors their large size and the very strong webs that they weave oddly enough the golden orb weaver isn’t too different from a regular spider until it reaches a certain age and that age happens to be 400 years old until then they spend most of their time in solidarity in places you’d expect to find a spider so everywhere once they reach 400 years old the old Weaver gains its magical powers and essentially becomes a jaw of normal they developed the ability to transform any shape-shift into a beautiful woman and it’s in this form that they deceive and seduce young men if the Jataka more often described as having a cold heart and feeding no remorse for those they murder to them humans are no different to an insect just another victim to feed on their favorite meal, of course, being young handsome men during the Edo period there were stories of beautiful women Lauren men into abandoned and secluded shacks where they would play a Japanese instrument known as a beaver the sound of the instrument would distract and set the victim into a deep trance and that’s when the Giacomo would strike wrapping him in her silk thread until she was hungry.

Jorōgumo – A Creature, Ghost or Goblin of Japanese Folklore
This freshness, however, isn’t just as simple as catching a man and killing him the Joe legume would take pleasure in consumed in their meal injecting their victim of a venom that slowly weakens them allowing the derocker motive really savor their meal while there are fortune of victims are sentenced to a long and painful death they can be found all throughout the forest the caves and the dark and secluded places of Japan except for in Hokkaido the reason why I’ve yet to find but maybe Hokkaido was just the arachnophobia part of Japan that just wasn’t having any of that killer spider woman nonsense but I’m sure those natives Japan are those who are more informed in regards to the traditions and superstitions found in Hokkaido we’ll be able to let us know in the comments section we did mention that they develop a variety of powers and the Daruma are extremely cunning capable of concealing themselves for hundreds of years despite being in plain sight the girl next door could be a jolly Gumo and you likely never know as you may expect they could also control other spiders and it became fairly common for the Jorah goomar to be depicted as a half woman half spider creature accompanied by hundreds if not thousands of spider children now a tails of these children vary from regular spiders to fire-breathing lunatics who burn down the houses of anyone who become suspicious of their mother so be careful who you go around accusing of being a man-eating spider woman perhaps the most famous story feature in rhetorical mode is the tale of the Jordan George Gamow the mistress of Jordan Falls a waterfall in a city of Shizuka the story begins of a man rest him by a waterfall when all of a sudden he could feel his feet being tied together by spider thread and he was slowly being dragged down into the water below in order to free himself he cut the threads and tied them to a tree the spiders were so strong that they uprooted the tree and dragged it into the water.
Eventually word would spread of the incident and the jordan waterfall was abandoned by the villages for fear of what lived there and there was one however who did venture to the waterfall completely unaware of the Jordan Duram oh and the stories of the surrounding area the man was a lumberjack from out of town and so he began chopping wood until he eventually dropped his axe into the water he’d over on to retrieve it but when he eventually resurfaced unable to find his axe standing there in front of him was a beautiful young woman he also noticed that his axe had been returned to him the woman made the man swear that he wouldn’t tell anyone about her and so he kept the secret for as long as he could one day the man had a little too much to drink and he began to tell the story of the beautiful woman by the waterfall once he had told the story he fell into a deep slumber never to awaken again descendants certainly does raise some questions and for me personally it made me wonder what else the Daruma was capable of do they have some kind of power over those who swear an oath to them is their secret or their promise binding the story of the jaraguá man the lumberjack does seem to have many different variations most of which seemed to be about the man fallen in love of the woman only to later realize that he’s slowly getting weaker and weaker he eventually seeks help from a monk who tells him that the woman is evil and that he should stay away which of course is advice that he doesn’t listen to regardless of the details the story always seems to end in the exact same way with a man fallen into a deep slumber never to awake again the geronimo are a yokai that we can easily brand as evil as their actions are quite cold and calculated bordering on vindictive but at times they also just act like a spider so whether it’s just in their nature to behave that way or whether they are an evil entity.