We’ve previously discussed the father of all monsters in Greek mythology – so it’s about time we now discuss the mother of all monsters echidna the name of kidnoh originated from the Greek word hidden er mean and Viper and a kid that was exactly what she had the upper body of a woman at her lower half was a tail of a coiling serpent despite being the mate of typhoon a union that gave birth to many of the most iconic monsters and creatures in Greek mythology it is often said that echidna lived alone in a cave though it’s likely she didn’t get too lonely as she was said to bring passers-by back to this cave only to devour them if the exact origin of echidna isn’t very clear the earliest mention of hers in Hesiod’s Theogony were Hesiod describes her as being born to she many have come to the conclusion that this she was The Seagull Osito which would make her father forces mean she had the same parents as Medusa.
Some, however, believe that this she was actually the oceanic calliroi another one of the children of four-season Seto he was said that calliroi had three husbands Poseidon Nilus and kreisau the son of Medusa and it is kreisau who is considered the most likely to be the father of echidna out of the three in the years that followed Hesiod’s Theogony tales of echidnas parents range from four-season an unnamed woman to Styx and an unnamed man even to Gaia and Tartarus and considering this is where typhoon came from I think it’s a reasonable claim but what I’m really trying to say is that there is no definitive answers to where a kid nerv really came from there are many creatures in Greek mythology that are attributed as the offspring of variant deities and other monsters but the following creatures have in some shape or form been mentioned as a child of echidna authoress the two-headed hound Cerberus the three-headed guardian of the underworld the lernaean hydra the Chimera the sphinx the eagle that torments Prometheus blade on the cremini and Sal a female mythical bore the colchean dragon and lastly Scylla now you may have heard of many of these creatures perhaps even with a different mother and that’s mostly because Greek and Roman poets didn’t always agree much of their work is quite ambiguous and left down to personal interpretation.

Echidna: Half Woman and Half Snake From Greek Mythology
Echidna is often described as being ageless and immortal and many believe that she just faded from existence however there is a tale where Hera sent the hundred-eyed Giants are pannabai tests to slay echidna in some stories echidna was considered the mother of serpents and Dragons she was often associated with the dragon Python who Apollo managed to slay as a child now many of you may be thinking this dragon was male so how exactly could this be a Kidner well before the tale of Python existed Apollo killed an unnamed dragon that was later named Delphine who was said to have raised – when he was born Delphine and echidna were very similar in terms of appearance both being half serpent and half woman there is also a connection between echidna and the Gorgons but that is something I’ll be saving for a future article so look out for that if Gorgons are a topic that interests you considering the role of Kidner had in Greek mythology she’s scarcely mentioned and mostly shrouded in mystery so feel free to share an intelligent an echidna with me in the comments below.